نموذج الاتصال
كل الحب وكل الامنيات الطيبه لكل العالم مع الامل من المزيد من المحبه واحترام الراي الحر واختلاف الثقافات مع الاحترام الكامل للاديان وعدم الخوض في ما حرم الله وان نحترم الاخر وان نحاول ان نصحح عيوبه مع الاحترام الكامل للحريه في الوصف والتعبير والتبادل المعلوماتي الله خلقنا من المحبه والواجب ان نرد المحبه بكل الحب في الاحترام الكامل للرسل والانبياء والاديان والتشريع السماوي*All the love and all good wishes to all the world,
أرشيف المدونة الإلكترونية
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- jokie of presdent in egybt
- Laughing Cow manipulated sores Egypt
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- negm maher love egybt
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- Ramadan ... Month of goodness and mercy and peace
- rev...of animals
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- s.....
- s.........
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- Smiled with great revolution that steal
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- sucesssssssssss
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- very sweet song from egybt
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من أنا
- world negm
- انا الفارس والشاعر والاديب في بلادي وبلادك*** انا يا سيدتي من حارب جلادي وجلادك
جديد المدونه
الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2012
طلب الرئيس المصري المخلوع مبارك من زوجته سوزان ثابت المحددة إقامتها، استدعاء أحد المحامين المقربين من الأسرة بعيداً عن فريق الدفاع ليعقد معه جلسة تشاور حول امكانية عرض مبادرة تفاهم للكشف عن أرصدة مصرية مهربة للخارج، تسعى مصر لاستعادتها، وكذلك تسليم أسرار مهمة لبعض رجال النظام السابق.وبحسب جريدة روزاليوسف تضمنت المبادرة كشف معلومات جديدة لقضية صفقة الغاز مع كيان العدو الصهيوني، بخلاف الحسابات السرية لعدد من الوزراء فى حكومة أحمد نظيف والذين احتفظ المخلوع ببياناتهم لوقت الحاجة.واشترط المخلوع إغلاق ملف القضية والسماح له ولأسرته بمغادرة مصر إلى بريطانيا واعطائه مهلة ثلاثة أيام ليصفى جميع ممتلكاته فى مصر ويتم تحويل معاشه الشهرى الذى يتقاضاه حاليا ويبلغ 95 ألف جنيه إلى بريطانيا. الملك فاروق:كما اشترط عند الموافقة على هذا العرض أن يغادر مصر بعد إقامة مراسم رسمية لوداعه بمطار القاهرة لدوره فى حرب أكتوبر، كما حدث مع الملك فاروق بعد قيام ثورة يوليو 1952، حيث أقيم له حفل وداع رسمى بالإسكندرية قبل أن يغادر على ظهر الباخرة المحروسة إلى إيطاليا. المفاجأة أن محامى الأسرة الذى سبق له الترافع عن علاء وجمال فى إحدى القضايا قد أبلغ مبارك عدم وجود رغبة عند أى طرف من المسئولين للتفاوض معه لأنه محبوس على ذمة قضية جنائية، لا يمكن لأحد التدخل فى سير محاكمتها وأن رغبته فى التفاوض لن تؤدى إلى الإفراج عنه.لن يعدم:من جهته أكد الخبير القانوني ناصر أمين أن الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك لن تطبق عليه عقوبة الاعدام، مشيرا الى أن المادة 17 من فانون العقوبات تتيح للقاضي استخدام صلاحياته في تخفيض العقوبة درجة أو درجتين حسب رؤيته مع كل من تجاوزوا سن الـ 80 عاما عندما يصدر بحقهم حكما بالإعدام، وهذه العقوبة لا توجد في قانون المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.وأشار أمين الى أن الجريمة التي حدثت في 25 يناير لايوجد توصيف قانوني لها إلا في قانون المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، حيث إنها تدخل في إطار الجرائم المنظمة، وهي الجرائم التي ترتكب في إطار هجوم منظم واسع النطاق وممنهج، وتقوم عليها جماعات مسلحة أو مجموعة أفراد أو سلطات رسمية، وتنطبق جريمة قتل المتظاهرين على هذا التوصيف.وأكد أمين أن هذه القضية تحتاج ليس فقط لمحامين كبار، لكنها تحتاج أيضا لمحامين لديهم الخبرة في مثل هذه القضايا السياسية، مشيرا الى أن هذه القضية كبيرة على كل هيئة دفاع المدعين بالحق المدني، لأنها القضية الأكبر في تاريخ القضاء المصري، وهي أيضا قضية جديدة على النيابة العامة والقضاء المصري.
Asked the Egyptian president ousted Mubarak, his wife Susan fixed the specific set up, call a lawyer close to the family away from the defense team to be held with a session of consultation about the possibility of Show Initiative of understanding for the detection of balances Egyptian smuggled abroad, Egypt is trying to recover them, as well as delivery of the secrets of the task for some men of the former regime .
According to the newspaper Rose El Youssef initiative included new information revealed to the issue of gas deal with the Zionist enemy entity, other than the secret accounts of the number of ministers in the government of Ahmed Nazif, who kept their statements deposed to in times of need.
The condition of the deposed close the case and allow him and his family leave Egypt to Britain, giving him three days to drain all his property in Egypt and is converted to a monthly pension received by now a 95 thousand pounds to Britain.
King Farouk:
It also stipulated that upon approval of this offer to leave Egypt after the establishment of a formal ceremony of farewell at Cairo airport for his role in the October War, as was the case with King Farouk after the July Revolution in 1952, where it was his farewell party official in Alexandria before he leaves on the back of the ship unguarded to Italy.
Surprise that the family's lawyer, who has already plead for Ala and beauty in one of the issues has been informed of Mubarak's lack of desire at any party officials to negotiate with him because he imprisoned pending criminal case, no one can interfere in the conduct of her trial and that his willingness to negotiate will not lead to his release .
Would not be executed:
For his part, the legal expert Nasser Amin that former President Hosni Mubarak will not apply to it the death penalty, noting that Article 17 of Fanon sanctions allows the judge to use his powers to reduce the sentence or two degrees as seen with all of those over the age of 80 years when a right judgment death, the death penalty does exist in the law of the International Criminal Court.
The Secretary pointed out that the crime that occurred on January 25, does not have a description of legal only in the International Criminal Court Act, as they are part of organized crime, a crime committed as part of a systematic and widespread and systematic, and the underlying groups or group of individuals or authorities official, and apply to the murder of demonstrators on this characterization.
The Secretary of this issue need not only to the lawyers, senior, but they also need lawyers with expertise on such political issues, noting that this issue significant to all the defense of civil claimants, because it is the larger issue in the history of the Egyptian judiciary, which is also the issue of new prosecutors and the Egyptian judiciary.
Asked the Egyptian president ousted Mubarak, his wife Susan fixed the specific set up, call a lawyer close to the family away from the defense team to be held with a session of consultation about the possibility of Show Initiative of understanding for the detection of balances Egyptian smuggled abroad, Egypt is trying to recover them, as well as delivery of the secrets of the task for some men of the former regime .
According to the newspaper Rose El Youssef initiative included new information revealed to the issue of gas deal with the Zionist enemy entity, other than the secret accounts of the number of ministers in the government of Ahmed Nazif, who kept their statements deposed to in times of need.
The condition of the deposed close the case and allow him and his family leave Egypt to Britain, giving him three days to drain all his property in Egypt and is converted to a monthly pension received by now a 95 thousand pounds to Britain.
King Farouk:
It also stipulated that upon approval of this offer to leave Egypt after the establishment of a formal ceremony of farewell at Cairo airport for his role in the October War, as was the case with King Farouk after the July Revolution in 1952, where it was his farewell party official in Alexandria before he leaves on the back of the ship unguarded to Italy.
Surprise that the family's lawyer, who has already plead for Ala and beauty in one of the issues has been informed of Mubarak's lack of desire at any party officials to negotiate with him because he imprisoned pending criminal case, no one can interfere in the conduct of her trial and that his willingness to negotiate will not lead to his release .
Would not be executed:
For his part, the legal expert Nasser Amin that former President Hosni Mubarak will not apply to it the death penalty, noting that Article 17 of Fanon sanctions allows the judge to use his powers to reduce the sentence or two degrees as seen with all of those over the age of 80 years when a right judgment death, the death penalty does exist in the law of the International Criminal Court.
The Secretary pointed out that the crime that occurred on January 25, does not have a description of legal only in the International Criminal Court Act, as they are part of organized crime, a crime committed as part of a systematic and widespread and systematic, and the underlying groups or group of individuals or authorities official, and apply to the murder of demonstrators on this characterization.
The Secretary of this issue need not only to the lawyers, senior, but they also need lawyers with expertise on such political issues, noting that this issue significant to all the defense of civil claimants, because it is the larger issue in the history of the Egyptian judiciary, which is also the issue of new prosecutors and the Egyptian judiciary.